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Thursday 17 November 2011

Sickness : endwala

Abadaa Omw’irhwe: lice
Cizungu zungu ;Giddnesse
Ndi na yunva ecizunguzungu: I’m feeling dizzy
Cigoholo: Cough
Kugohola: To cough
Cifuba cikulu: Tuberculosis
Sida, muziro: Aids
Buzimba, Cimerera Abscess
Kulumwa n’amino Dental pain /ache
Kulumw'irhwe: to have a headache
Amalatiya: Malaria
Oluharo: diarhoea
Ndi nashala: I am vomitting

Some Bashi’s Riddles : Ensakuzo za Bashi

Some Bashi’s Riddles : Ensakuzo za Bashi

What is the English translation of the following reddles?

1. Sakwe lya : Nyama aba mwofi ci orhankamulega kushokoza = Nshungululu.
2. Sakwe lya Ca dunda nkwekwe = Muciragwa ngadabuzi
3. Sakwe lya « Langir’erhi « hirirà = Hyumpa hya bangere
4. Sâkwe lya « Hirira » = Hirhana.
5. Sakwe lya « Njira omuntu wani anashweka abalikunoboshi » = Irô
6. Sâkwe lya « Shaleulwe ahîre ci arharhaza omuhabagwalî e cibuno » = Njira
7. Sâkwe lya « Amm anhâ = Mugihuku wa Cirha emburho
8. Sâkwe lya « Njira omuntu wani ajira isu liguma » = Nsindane
9. Sâkwe Lya « Rhubâ omu murrhu basharhu cirhimuguma ankamurhenga rhurhankashega »=Jsiga
10. Sakwe Lya « Munzungu alialolera ahidirisha »= Muhula
11. Sakwe Lya « Nyâmà alimwofi C’anakuba Nyoko »= Bunterezi
12. Sakwe Lya « Bici Nyamana na Nyoko balwira » =Jhemba ly’erubibi
13. Sakwe Lya « Nyama alimwofi Ci’analenga Nyoko Ibâ »= Bufukulè bwanbembâ.
14. Sakwa Lya « Njira omuntu wani ajira kugulu kuguma »=Cihumyo
15. Sakwe Lya « Cîrimbugutu mbugutu »=Mahya wyâka Ishazala.
16. Sakwe Lya « Njira enyumpa yani erhajira lunvi »=Iji
17. Sakwe Lya « Wewarhenga ekuzimu rhuhè okumyanzi »=Mugondogwa cishimbu.
18. Sâkwe Lya « Nkashô abalama bici aciyikirâ ? »=Lummêlwa sêzi.
19. Sakwe Lya « Nzira omuntu wani ahâhinga hô anafuluka »=Lunvi.
20. Sakwe Lya « Nzirâ Omuntu wani atulîra e empegere ekuzimu »=bishângi bya kabemba.
21. Sakwe Lya « Musole mwinja eciribâ(kiliba)=Muhanga mushogolerè.
22. Sakwe Lya « Njira omuntu wani ayimangîra aku kugulu kuguma=Cihumye(irhana).
23. Sakwe Lya « Zarhalikanka nnina muguma »=1) Basirika, 2)Banabamasomo, 3) Mbasi’omunjira 4) Mahemba omulubanda.
24. Sakwe Lya « Keru ombulambo=Nyange.
25. Sakwe Lya « Carhenga e Rwanola ciyashamîre cagaluka ciyashamîre »=Izuba.

Informant: Modeste Muhandule

The Human Body Omubirhi

The Human Body Omubirhi

•Mubiri : the body
•Mibiri : bodies
•Cirumbu : part, limbs
•Irhwe : head
•Kugulu : leg, foot
•Magulu : legs, feet
•Kanwa : mouth
•Irhwiri : ear
•Marhwiri : ears
•Ndedu : chin
•Ndedu : chin
•Igosi :neck
•Mugongo :back
•Lunu : nail
•Nyunu :nails
•Ngofola : elbow
•Njingo : joint, articulation
•Cibero : tigh
•Bibero :tighs
•Nfundo : calf
•Cifundo :wrist
•Lushando : the sole of the foot
•Cifuba: chest, breast
•Kuboko: arm
•Maboko: arms
•Isu: eye
•Masu: eyes
•Oku kanwa: on the lips
•Izulu: nose
•Mazulu: nez
•Irhama: cheek
•Marhama: cheeks
•Kameme: chest
•Nfune: hand
•Cirhungo: shoulder
•Cigasha: wrist
•Bigasha: wrists
•Ihiji: buttock
•Mahiji: battocks
•Idwi: kneel
•Madwi: kneels
•Kansisira: ankle
•Ino: toe
•Arm: Kuboko
•Igosi: Neck

Geographical Names

Geographical Names

•Enkuba : the rain
•Citu : cloud
•Bitu : clouds
•Kukungula : to rumble
•Hikimezo : lightning
•Ishwa : farm
•Irunga : heaven
•Iriba : water source
•Olwishi : water
•Mishi g’okunywa : drinking water
•Entondo : mountain
•Orhurhondo : hills
•Olubanda : valley
•Malunga : sky
•Empingu : heaven
•Enyenyezi : stars
•Kuyuma : to get dried
•Oku nkuba : au ciel : le firmament
•Olukoma :banana farm/palntation
•Amashwa :farms/fields
Food Names

Bilyo: Food
Obuntu: Fufu, cassava bread
Enyama: Meat
Ebjumbu: Sweet Potatoes
Isombe: Cassava leaves, sombe
Omuceri: Rice
Obuntu bwa mahemba: Sorghum bread
Obuntu bw’ebigonji: Maize bread
Isoja: Soya
Ebirayi: Potatoes
Bishusha: pupkin leaves
Ilengalenga: Amarrant
Amatambazi: otato leaves
Ebirayi: Potatoes leaves
Obuntu bw’emimbarhi: Cassava bread
Omushaba: Plantin
Ebisamunyu: Bananas
Omujoco: Banana
Ebishimbo: Beans
Enshanu: Flour
Amasunga: Yams
Mavurha: Oil
Mamesa: Palm oil
Ensukari: Sugar
Omunyu: Salt
Echike: Sugar cane
Samaki: Fish
Family Members

 Ishe wa larha :the father of my father
 Ishe wa nyama: my ,other’s father
 Bashakulwe: my granparents
 Nnina wa larha : the mother of my father
 Nnina wa nyama: my mother’s mother
 Ababusi banni: my parents
 Larha: my father
 Nyama: my mother
 Mwali wabo larha: my father’s sister
 Bali babo larha: my father’s sisters
 Mukulu wa nyama:my mother’s elder sister
 Bakulu ba nyama:bakulu ba nyama
 Munyama: my aunt; mother’s young sister
 Ba Munyama: my aunts; mother’s young sisters
• Nyamalume: my uncle
 Mukulu wani: my grand mother
 Bakulu banni: my elders
 Mulumuna wanni:my young brother or sister
 Balumuna banni:
 Mushinja wani
 Bashinja banni
 Mwali wirhu:our sister
 Bali birhu: our sisters
 Mwana (bana): child (children)
 Mwana wani: my child
 Bana bawe: your children
 Bana bani: my children
 Mwana wawe: your child
 Mwana wage: his child
 Mwana wirhu: our child
 Mwana winyu: your child
 Kulerha: to bring, to furnish, to supply, to cause
 Murho : younger; youngster
 Nyâma: Mom, Mum, my mother
 Mukanie: my wife
 Mukawe: your wife
 Ibanie: my husband
 Balo: your husband
 Iba: her husband

Nyama: meat
The Months of the Year – Emyezi omu mwaka

Myezi Months
Kasi-kiru karhanzi January
Kasi-kiru kazinda Febtuary
Lukânga March
Cigogo April
Kahya-karhanzi May
Kahya-kazinda June
Cugarhi July
Kamera August
Cambase September
Muhaho October
Nyaceze November
Nyaruzigwe December
The Months of the Year – Emyezi omu mwaka

Myezi Months
Kasi-kiru karhanzi January
Kasi-kiru kazinda Febtuary
Lukânga March
Cigogo April
Kahya-karhanzi May
Kahya-kazinda June
Cugarhi July
Kamera August
Cambase September
Muhaho October
Nyaceze November
Nyaruzigwe December

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Farewell, Asking Questions,Thanking people in Mashi

Farewell: Okusezera

 Larha, nkola naja oku masomo : Dad, I a, I am going to school
 Nyama nkola naja oku lwishi : Mom ; I am going to fetch water
 Larha,nkola naj’emwabo Buhendwa : Father, I am going to Buhendwa’s
 Muyorhage bwinja(amango aja kuli hitya) : Good bye
 Osigalage bwinja, woliha: Good bye, please!
 Musigalage n’omurhula !: good bye !
 Ogendage bwinja,larha : go well, Father.
 Neci, Nyama, ogendage bwinja ! Yes, Madam/Mom, go well.
 Ogendage bwinja ,woliha !Go well, please.
 Ogendage bwinja,ciza: Go well, Ciza.
 Ogendage kwinja,mwira mwira waniGo well, my friend.

Asking Questions

 Ngahi: Where?
 Bici? : What?
 Bici ebi? : What is this?
 Ngahi waja: Where are you going?
 Ngahi warhenga?: where are you coming from?
 Ngahi aja: where does he go?
 Ngahi aliaja: where is he/she going?
 Bici ebi?: what is this?
 Bici?: what?
 We ndi: who are you?

Thanking people

i. Kwokwo waliha or waliha kwokwo: Thank you Sir/Madam
j. Kwokwo larha: Thank you, Father
k. Namasima, larha, kulikwinja, woliha: Father, I am happy, it's okay, please.

Thursday 10 November 2011


Verb to Be(Tendo Kuwa)

Present Simple Tense ( Temps présent/Wakati wa sasa)

1. Affirmative form (Forme affirmative)

I am a pupil a boy ( Niko garçon).
I am a musician ( Niko musicien).
I am a football player ( Niko joueur/mucheza kabumbu).
I am a bachelor ( Niko célibataire).

You are a girl (Uko fille).
You are a good pupil ( Uko mwanafunzi mzuri).
You are a teacher ( Uko mwalimu).
You are a lawyer ( Uko avocat).

He is a parent (Iko muzazi).
He is a judge ( Iko juge).
Robert is a carpenter ( Robert iko/ni menuisier/musermala).
John is a gardener(John iko jardinier).

She is a nurse (Iko muganga).
Fatuma is a hairdresser ( Fatuma iko musuka nywele).
Bahati is a cook ( Bahati ni pishi).
Jeannet is a good basketball player( Jeanette ni/iko basketeuse wa muzuri).

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a big country ( Jamuhuri ya Kidemokrasi ya Kongo/Kongo/RDC ni nchi kubwa). It is in the centre of Africa (Iko katikati ya Afrika/Afrique).
This pork is very testful ( Hiyi nyama ya nguruwe iko butamu sana.
Soda is a drink. It is in Kalume's fridge( Soda ni kinywaji. Iko mu frigo ya Kalume.

We are children ( tuko batoto).
We are drivers ( Tuko batembeza gari/bachauffeurs).
We are musicians ( Tuko bamusiciens).
We are pupils( Tuko banafunzi).
Germain and I are relatives ( Miye na Germain tuko bandugu).

You are girls ( Muko bafilles).
You are good pupils ( Muko banafunzi bazuri).
You are lawyers( Muko ba avocats).
You are preachers( Muko bahubiri).

You are farmers ( Muko balimaji)
You are nurses ( muko banganga/bainfirmiers).
Bulonza and you are Maths teachers ( Weye na Bulonza muko ba profs ba Math).
This child and you are human being ( Huyu mtoto na weye muko batu/ba etres humains).


Wednesday 9 November 2011



Le terme "polyfiançailles" (de polu(grec)= beaucoup et confiare(latin)= se confier à) vient d'etre forgé suite à un constat fait dans le chef de bon nombre des contemporains pour ce qui est de la dépravation des moeurs, déceptions dont certaines personnes(jeunes, époux, etc)sont victimes dans leurs promesses de mariages ou dans leurs foyers, etc.

Les polyfiançailles, pour certaines personnes(parmi lesquels: jeunes filles et garçons, certains pères et mères de familles, etc.) la déclaration d'intention de mariage à plusieurs personnes simultanément.

Tombent dans cette catégorie de polyfiançailles:

1. Un(e) marié qui promet le mariage à un(e) célibataire et vice versa.

2. Un célibataire qui est fiancé ailleurs, mais s'adonnant à aimer une autre personne lui promettant une vie de mariage.

3. Un célibataire fiancé qui accepte de contracter des relations intimes avec un marié séparé(soit momentanement, soit pour de bon) avec comme objectif le mariage.

4. Un(e) marié qui se fait malignement passer pour un célibataire dans le but de contracter un mariage avec un jeune garçon ou une jeune fille célibataire.

Socialement parlant, cet acte ne se laisse pas sans préjudice(surtout dans le cas de mariés car portant un caractère injurieux), dérapage, intimité physique,viol, violence, traumatisme divorces, séparations, (auto)culpabilisation, regret, et meme, dans certains cas, transmission des maladies etc.